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“Global Epidemic Fighting, Brand Power” Liby Group Fulfilled Brand Responsibility and Set up an Industry......
2020-06-23 10:51:06

“Global Epidemic Fighting, Brand Power” Liby Group Fulfilled Brand Responsibility and Set up an Industry Benchmark by Winning “My Favorite Chinese Brands” for Consecutive Three years

Originated from xinhuanet

In the afternoon of June 10, the “Classic case conference on Give likes to ‘2020 My Favorite Chinese Brands’ and ‘Global epidemic fighting, brand power’ organized by China National Brand, Xinhuanet and Xinhua99 and co-organized by Toutiao was held in Xinhua media TMI-Labs in Beijing..

As a leading brand in the laundry and cloths care industry, Liby Group was invited to attend this conference. It is remarkable that Liby Group stand out from 1446 brands of “Give likes to my favorite Chinese Brands” as the only elected brand of the daily chemical industry and ranked among top three classic cases of “Global epidemic fighting, brand power”.

Liby Group headquartered in Guangzhou has 9 manufacturing bases, more than 30 branches and more than 10,000 employees over the country. As a daily chemical enterprise generating a sale leading the industry in China, Liby Group is fulfilling its social responsibility


Donated disinfection products valued 200 million Yuan, fought the “epidemic” in a digital way

Wuhan was closed just when the epidemic broke out. Knowing that many designated hospitals were in short of materials, chairman of Liby Group Chen Kaixuan made a prompt decision that Liby Group and Cheerwin Group donated disinfection products valued 200 million Yuan to help all designated hospitals across the country, including Winking 84 Disinfectant and sterilizing package, Liby laundry detergent, Liby multipurpose bleaching water, and Liby Group was responsible for delivery.

The epidemic broke out during the Spring Festival when workers were taking a holiday, raw materials were undersupply, production capacity decreased sharply and all transport lines were closed. However, Liby Group succeeded in mobilizing more than 1000 vehicles to deliver more than 1000t disinfection products to more than 2000 designated hospitals in 363 cities 5 days in advance, which was attributed to unremitting efforts of more than 10000 employees and 680 brand service providers of Liby Group and was benefited from the uniform and unique digital mobile office platform-Dudu. During the epidemic, Liby Group quickly convened all employees in key posts to work online, fully supported production and transportation scheduling of “donation of materials valued 200 million Yuan” and realized whole-staff epidemic fighting. Liby Group worked around the clock, produced more than 10000t disinfection products valued 200 million Yuan and delivered them to Leishenshan Hospital on January 31 and WUHAN JINYINTAN HOSPITAL and other designated hospitals on February 7 respectively. Finally, disinfection products were delivered to more than 2000 designated hospitals in 363 cities with a load distance of 400,000km.

Facing the “epidemic”, Liby Group delivered a good report on crisis management and risk resistance, which could not be separated from the marketing digitalization 3.0 project initiated under the leadership of president Chen Zebin in 2015. The Group gradually fulfilled upgrading and transformation of business digitalization of “marketing 3.0”, “supply chain 3.0” and “management 3.0” based on core business and marched towards industry interconnection, organization ecologicalization and business digitalization.

When the epidemic catalyzed digitalization transformation and reform of traditional enterprises, business innovation and digitalization transformation strategy initiated under the leadership of Chen Zebin was “Liby experience” bringing through the “epidemic”.


Secretary of the Party Committee and vice president of Liby Group Xu Xiaodong shared epidemic fighting stories

Strengthened green development concept, actively performed corporate social responsibility

Liby Group delivered a good report during the “epidemic” and set up an industry benchmark. However, it was not the first time Liby Group performed the corporate social responsibility as an industry leader. “2020 social responsibility report of Liby Group” showed that since 1994, Liby Group has always adhered to the mission “bring health and happiness of every family” from starting a business to growing to a leading daily chemical enterprise and provided consumers with safer, healthier, low-carbon and environmental products in order to seek healthy and harmonious coexistence between man and nature and realized sustainable development of the ecological environment.

Through nearly 26 years of accumulation, now Liby Group has strong research and innovation capacity and the only “Key Laboratory of Green Cleaning Products of Chinese Light Industry”, “academician expert workstation” and “postdoctoral research station”, two national-level “high-tech enterprise” and four “provincial-level technical R&D centers” and Chinese patents for invention topping the domestic industry. Until now, Liby Group has had 135 Chinese patents for invention and patents for utility models and 81 design patents more than the total of top 2-5 domestic peers (data source: Official website of the State Intellectual Property Office). The Group also took an active part in developing 33 national and industry standards and 68 products were identified by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology as green design products, accounting for 49.28% of the industry.

Meanwhile, Liby Group constantly strengthened green development concept, improved green management system, deepened green development practice, enhanced green development performance, took the lead in proposing the development strategy of “green health”, carried out efficient and standard green management system and “green manufacturing” idea and contributed to building a beautiful China.

Liby Group invested nearly 200 million Yuan in upgrading environmentally protective facilities and transforming energy conservation and emission reduction projects of factories and realized 100% wastewater reclamation. Liby Group honorably won carbon-value award of World Environmental Protection Conference “WEC Innovation Value” Award in 2017, the highest award of World Environmental Protection Conference “International Carbon-value Award” in 2018 and 2019 and “China Public Welfare Company” Green Development Contribution Outstanding Enterprise Award in 2019. Green design products made a stage pose in United Nations Climate Change Conference.

Since its establishment, Liby Group actively drove upstream and downstream enterprises of the industry chain to practice the sustainable development concept, build an economically efficient, environment-friendly, mutually beneficial and symbiotic industry ecosphere, strived to create more economic, environmental and social values and set up a benchmark and model for the whole industry.

In the perspective of industry development, Liby Group has taken the lead in a new round of consumption upgrading all along. As an industry leader, Liby Group will continue growing stronger.

In such a changing and selective era, Liby, as the unique brand of the daily chemical industry released in “Give likes to ‘2020 My Favorite Chinese Brands”, drew an end to past glories and started a new journey.

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