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Good News | “Ligouxing” System of Liby Group Obtained the Certificate of National Software Copyright
2019-05-20 14:38:06

Following nationwide launch of SFA, large-screen live broadcast of DCC and pilot of Ligouxing V1, Liby Group reported a success recently! The application for registration of copyright of “Ligouxing” system software jointly filed by the digital marketing center and the digital intelligence center passed the examination by the National Copyright Administration on April 29 and obtained Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate as the first software copyright of Liby Group in 2019.

It is learnt that Liby Group will own many other rights after software copyright, such as right of publication, namely the right to decide whether to disclose software; right of ship, namely the right to show the identity of developer and sign software; right of amendment, namely the right to supplement and delete software or change instruction and sequence of statement; right of reproduction, namely the right to make one or more copies of software; right of distribution, namely the right to offer originals or copies of software to the public by sale or gift; right of rental, namely the right to allow others to use software temporarily by paying fees; as well as right of communication through information network, right of translation and other rights vested in software copyright owner.

A Notice about Implementing Relevant Tax Issues in Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Strengthening Technological Innovation, Developing Advanced Technology and Realizing Industrialization of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation stipulates that: “Business tax instead of VAT shall be levied for computer software with copyright and ownership registered with the National Copyright Administration and transferred on sale”.


It is stipulated in Article 32 of A Notice of the State Council about Printing and Issuing Several Policies on Encouraging the Development of Software Industry and Integrated Circuit Industry: “Administrative department in charge of copyright of the State Council should standardize and strengthen software copyright registration system, encourage registration of software copyright and focus on protecting registered software according to law.”

Software copyright can be an important basis for tax reduction and exemption and a basis for legal protection of “Ligouxing” system. For example, in case of software copyright infringement, software copyright registration certificate can be used as strong evidence without examination by judiciary ities. Besides, software copyright can be a law enforcement basis for national copyright ities to punish software copyright infringement act and a basis for technology investment and application of scientific and technological achievements.

General manger of the digital marketing center Li Shubin said, the access to “Ligouxing” system software copyright was only the first step for national certification of digital asses of Liby Group. All employees of the digital marketing center will strictly enforce chairman and president’s guidelines for 3.0 marketing platform, respond to “1+2” strategy of the Group and accumulate and protect digital assets while achieving 3.0 strategic target of the Group in order to contribute to intellectual property rights of Liby Group!  

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